Conjugated Porous Organic Polymers for Gas Sorption and Chemical Catalysis
发布人: 星禧   发布时间: 2017-11-17    浏览次数:


地点:   bat365在线登录入口A627

时间:   2017-11-29周三下午2

组织单位:   bat365在线登录入口、纤维材料改性国家重点实验室


Dr. Bao-Hang Han is a professor of supramolecular nanoporous materials at the NCNST, obtained his PhD degree from Nankai University, Tianjin, China. Before he joined the NCNST, he worked as a post-doctorial fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interface, Golm, Germany, the Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, and the Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

His current research interests focus on preparation of various organic porous materials and porous grapheme materials employing a wide variety of building blocks and exploring their potential application in the fields of energy, environmental, and healthy, such as hydrogen storage, carbon dioxide capture, gas separation, supercapacitor, biocompatible and biodegradable biomass-based drug delivery system.

Recent Selected Publications:

Qi Chen, Min Luo, Peter Hammershøj, Ding Zhou, Ying Han, Bo Wegge Laursen, Chao-Guo Yan, Bao-Hang Han* Microporous Polycarbazole with High Specific Surface Area for Gas Storage and Separation J. Am. Chem. Soc.2012, 134 (14), 6084–6087.

Ding Zhou, Yi Cui, Pei-Wen Xiao, Mei-Yang Jiang, Bao-Hang Han* A General and Scalable Synthesis Approach to Porous Graphene Nature Commun. 2014, 5 (Sept. 2), 4716 (1-7) Xuesong Ding, Bao-Hang Han* Novel Metallophthalocyanine-Based Conjugated Microporous Polymers as High Efficient Photosensitizers for Singlet Oxygen GenerationAngew. Chem., Int. Ed.2015, 54 (22), 6536-6539.

Chao-Jing Sun, Peng-Fei Wang, Hua Wang,* Bao-Hang Han* All Thiophene-based Conjugated Porous Organic Polymers Polym. Chem.2016, 7 (31), 50315038.

Hui Li, Xuesong Ding,* Bao-Hang Han* Porous Azo-Bridged Porphyrin-Phthalocyanine Network with High Iodine Capture Capability Chem.–Eur. J. 2016, 22 (33), 1186311868.

Saad Melhi, Xuesong Ding, Zhiwei Liu, Cong-Xiao Cao, Bao-Hang Han* A New Strategy to Microporous Polypyrrole Networks Based on Condensation of Pyrrole and Diketone Macromol. Chem. Phys.2016, 217 (13), 1529-1533.

Xue Huang, Yan-Chao Zhao, Bao-Hang Han* Supramolecular Organic Networks Assembled from Quadruple Hydrogen-Bonding MotifsChem. Commun. 2016, 52 (39), 6597-6600 .

Long Pan, Meng-Ying Xu, Li-Juan Feng, Qi Chen,* Yu-Jian He,* Bao-Hang Han* Conjugated Microporous Polycarbazoles Containing Tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium(III) Complex: Phosphorescence, Porosity, and Heterogeneous Organic Photocatalysis Polym. Chem. 2016, 7 (12), 2299-2307.

Zhu-Yin Sui, Caiyun Wang, Kewei Shu, Quan-Sheng Yang, Yu Ge, Gordon G. Wallace,* Bao-Hang Han* Manganese Dioxide-Anchored Three-Dimensional Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Hybrid Aerogels as Excellent Anode Materials for Lithium Ion BatteriesJ. Mater. Chem. A 2015, 3 (19), 10403-10412.

Yan-Chao Zhao, Tao Wang, Li-Min Zhang, Yi Cui, Bao-Hang Han* Microporous Spiro-Centered Poly(benzimidazole) Networks: Preparation, Characterization, and Gas Sorption PropertiesPolym. Chem. 2015, 6 (5), 748-753.

Xian-Mei Zhang, Xuesong Ding, Aiguo Hu,* Bao-Hang Han* Facile Approach to Preparing Porous Organic Polymer through Bergman Cyclization Polym. Chem.2015, 6 (26), 4734-4741.

Jian-Hua Zhu, Qi Chen,* Zhu-Yin Sui, Long Pan, Jiaguo Yu,* Bao-Hang Han* Preparation and Adsorption Performance of Cross-Linked Porous PolycarbazolesJ. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2 (38), 16181-16189.

Qi Chen, De-Peng Liu, Jian-Hua Zhu, Bao-Hang Han* Mesoporous Conjugated Polycarbazole with High Porosity via Structure Tuning Macromolecules2014, 47 (17), 5926-5931.

Xin-Ming Hu, Qi Chen, Yan-Chao Zhao, Bo Wegge Laursen, Bao-Hang Han* Straightforward Synthesis of a Triazine-ased Porous Carbon with High Gas-Uptake CapacitiesJ. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2 (34), 14201-14208.

Qi Chen, De-Peng Liu, Min Luo, Li-Juan Feng, Yan-Chao Zhao, Bao-Hang Han* Nitrogen-Containing Microporous Conjugated Polymers via Carbazole-Based Oxidative Coupling Polymerization: Preparation, Porosity, and Gas UptakeSmall 2014, 10 (2), 308-315.

Yan-Chao Zhao, Li Zhao, Li-Juan Mao, Bao-Hang Han* One-step Solvothermal Carbonization to Microporous Carbon Materials Derived from CyclodextrinsJ. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1 (33), 9456-9461.

De-Peng Liu, Qi Chen,* Yan-Chao Zhao, Li-Min Zhang, Ai-Di Qi,* Bao-Hang Han* Fluorinated Porous Organic Polymers via Direct C-H Arylation PolycondensationACS Macro Lett. 2013, 2 (6), 522-526.

Ying Han, Li-Min Zhang, Yan-Chao Zhao, Tao Wang, Bao-Hang Han* Microporous Organic Polymers with Ketal Linkages: Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Sorption PropertiesACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013, 5 (10), 4166-4172.

